
What if we empower and connect a new generation of innovators from around the world so they can tackle the most urgent global challenges together?

Equitech+Rhodes Science and Society Event

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Applied Data Institute

An intensive 10-week program that empowers recent graduates and young professionals from STEM and computational social science backgrounds to become the next generation of data-savvy leaders in their respective careers. Our research-based curriculum, led by world-class faculty, provides a deep and practical understanding of Applied Data Science and Artificial Intelligence across various domains.

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Civic Tech Institute

A 10-week program for recent graduates and emerging leaders in the social sector - governments, nonprofits, and social enterprises - to practice the data and technology skills critical to achieving impact at scale. Our project-based curriculum, anchored in small-group learning, provides a foundational understanding of data science and AI tools as applied to public health, climate change, and networked societies.

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Open Now

Equitech Futures Institute Oxford

A 4-week in-person program to be held in Oxford for current undergraduates from all disciplines. Established as an extension of the Technology And Society Forum created in collaboration with the Rhodes Trust, EFI Oxford is an intensive summer program in Oxford that will cultivate a network of future entrepreneurs, researchers, and civic leaders who are equipped to use emerging technologies to tackle global challenges.

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